A motorcycle is a dangerous means of transportation. At the same time, it provides the best tools for avoiding collisions. Since a dangerous situation can catch a biker not only on free roads, but also on highways, we have compiled for you a list of the most frequent causes of accidents and ways to avoid them.

Did you know that the most common danger that accompanies motorcyclists is leg injuries (including burns from the heated engine)? Head trauma is even more common as a cause of death. Fortunately, the bike has incredibly powerful brakes, free visibility, excellent handling and tenacious tires. But even this does not save if the protective equipment is selected incorrectly. Ordinary motorcyclist ammunition can prevent many injuries in accidents by making the ride more comfortable and manageable, and the person more visible on the road.

TOP 10

1. the car on your right turns left

This is probably the most common motorcycle accident. Typically, the motorist turns in front of you because they can’t see you or misjudge your speed. But even more often, the driver sees no cars, not the presence of a motorcycle.

How to avoid this: be careful and look for signs that may indicate someone may be turning in front of you. For example, a car standing at an intersection waiting to turn, the presence of a gap in traffic near an intersection, driveway or parking lot (they may be occupied). In any situation – reduce your speed. This will allow you to dodge in time if something goes wrong.

Pay attention to the wheels of the car – they will give you the first clue about the movement. If you feel that the collision is inevitable-maximally reduce the speed and keep the steering wheel straight. Even if you only have time to drop only a few tens of kilometers per hour, it can be quite enough.

2. optical illusion at night.

In the dark, motorists don’t distinguish motorcycles well in their rearview mirrors. For example, if a motorcycle’s headlight is twinned, it looks like the light of a car moving 200-300 meters behind. In fact, it’s a motorcycle that’s only 20-30m away from the car.

How to avoid this: it’s simple – keep your distance, be visible and obey the speed limit.

3. Going too fast into a sharp corner

How to avoid this: only drive at a speed that allows you to see what’s next. Use visual cues such as telephone poles and signs to judge the direction of the road, even if you can’t see it continuing.

If you find yourself going too fast in a turn, the best way is to trust your bike and try to ride it out. Your vehicle is more capable in this situation than you are. Tilt the bike and look where you want to go, trying to proceed as smoothly as possible. Don’t hit the brakes, the gas pedal, or do anything that might tip the bike over and cause you to lose traction. Don’t panic, just try to hold that lean angle, look for a way out of the corner and ride out of it.

4.The car is oversteering on you.

You are driving down the road when a car in the other lane suddenly pulls into the spot you are occupying. Motorcycles are easily placed in blind spots, and drivers looking for cars are not psychologically programmed to see motorcycles.

How to avoid this: be aware of where the blind spots are and spend as little time as possible in them. If you can see the driver’s eyes in their mirrors, that means the driver can see you too (but that doesn’t mean he’ll look at you and notice you).

5. The car hits you from behind.

You’re stopped in front of a stop sign/pedestrian crossing/intersection/skipping ducks when the driver behind you doesn’t notice the stop and crashes into you at high speed. One of the worst accidents. The detour, which you can fly into while doing this, can kill the motorcyclist.

How to avoid this: first, stop only in places designated for this. If you are allowed to stop, first draw the attention of the driver behind you, thus securing yourself from a collision.

Another option is to stop to the side, quickly turn on the brake light. Pay attention to what is happening behind you, and be ready to slip away if you think someone is about to hit you.

6: Sudden Stopping of Another Motorcyclist

During a group ride with friends, one of them suddenly stops. The other “rider” is distracted/concerned and doesn’t notice it, so he hits the first one from behind.

How to avoid this: make sure everyone knows the rules of group riding and knows how to ride in staggered order. You’d be surprised how many people don’t know about this simple technique. It improves visibility and shifts the bikes relative to each other, which means that a temporary loss of attention won’t lead to a collision.

7. Locking the front brake

There can be many reasons for this, from reacting to other road users to inattention or an emergency. The effect can be unpleasant: you will stay on the ground, and the bike will roll forward.

How to avoid this: learn to use the front brake. It may seem counterintuitive, but the front brake is the most powerful and difficult component of your bike to master. It can change your speed much faster than your engine.

You should feel the tire at the very edge of locking and the rear wheel coming off the ground. Practice more often until you can use your bike’s maximum braking power.

8. The car swings open the door.

You’re making your way between cars as suddenly someone swings the door open right in front of you.

How to avoid this: first, never drive between an active lane and parked cars. Not only because of the doors opening, but also because pedestrians may come out. If you do encounter such a situation – brake as hard as you can. Even if a collision is inevitable, reducing your speed can really help.

Motorcyclists in Florida call the area next to parked cars within the width of the door the “Zone of Death” for a reason.

9. Slippery

There is a seasonality to riding a motorcycle for a reason. However, we are not immune to rain or sudden snow.

How to avoid this: just slow down and ride as smoothly as possible. On wet roads, the danger lurks in the simplest things-slippery manhole covers, machine oil that may have accumulated in the drains. Your best bet is to postpone your trip.

Also, beware of the limited visibility created by rain for other drivers. On a slippery road, they need more time to brake.

10. Alcohol

One of the most frequent causes of accidents is alcohol intoxication. And not only motorcyclists.

How to avoid this: it’s simple – do not get behind the wheel while drunk.

If you are in an accident and you need a lawyer, then you can safely contact the lawyers of Nunez https://thenunezlawfirm.com/

By Salina Gomez

Hey there! I'm a passionate blogger on a mission to captivate readers with my words. Join me as I delve into the realms of travel, culture, and personal growth. With a keyboard as my compass and curiosity as my guide, I'll take you on an adventure through enchanting stories and thought-provoking insights. Whether it's exploring hidden gems, sharing travel tips, or unraveling the mysteries of the human experience, my aim is to ignite your imagination and inspire you to embrace the beauty of life. So grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let's embark on this literary journey together. Welcome to my vibrant world of words! ✨📚✍️